Last Monday I took SK to dance (Wendy and I usually take turns taking her and Landre, but decided since it was right after the holidays we would take the week off). When we got there, the usual teacher Ms. Heidi wasn't there. They had a substitute. Well, Sara Kennedy doesn't like change very much. So, she decided she wasn't going to go in and sit down. All of the other little ballerinas were sitting on there number and my little ballerina was hanging on my leg. The substitute looked at me like- can you do something with her? And I looked at her like- can you? Anywho, I decided, it wasn't worth it. I told Sara Kennedy we were leaving and she was grounded the rest of the afternoon. No tv or playing outside. I had told her we could get a Happy Meal after dance and that too was taken away. We had the talk about why you can't act that way and I'm convinced she'll do better this week (at least it's Wendy's turn to take SK and Landre :) So, when we got home the phone rang. It was CA's secretary telling me that Sara Kennedy had been chosen by her teacher for the character trait of the month and would be recognized at Chapel that week. Guess what the trait for the month of December was: PEACE! I laughed and said, "Well, she hasn't been very peaceful this afternoon, but I'm glad she is at school." Will and I went to chapel Wed. morning and watched her get her award. Her teacher gave the sweetest little speech about her and said she always tries to resolve conflict in the classroom and wants everyone to get along. (at least she does somewhere :) We were so proud of our girl!
(The "peaceful" cutie with the big, pink bow)
Urge 2016 FULL Movie in English
5 years ago
Tell that little "angel" that Miss Tammy said, "Woo, hoo!! I am so proud of you!! Amazing what they do away from home.
that is great! It is VERY amazing how they act when they are away from the parents... especially their mamas!!!! Congrats SK!!!
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