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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Parent Observation at Ballet

PARENT OBSERVATION~ two words that strike sheer terror in the minds of Mama and Daddy Lampkin. The 1st year SK took ballet, we were so excited about Parent Observation. All the mommies and daddies get to come see a little preview of the princesses perform their recital. The 1st year Will and I took our seats and that's when it started. Sara Kennedy just stood there the entire time hanging her tongue out of her mouth, when the other kids stood, she would sit. If they sat, she stood- if they tapped she turned a flip. All the while- with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I was sweating by the time it was over- I would look over at Will and he had sweat beads dripping off his brow and it wasn't hot! We didn't speak a word to each other. It's no doubt- the worst she has ever embarassed us- (I'm sure it will get worse). BUT~ the other Parent Observations have been MUCH better! I always laugh bc Will asks her beforehand, "Where do we keep our tongue?" And she says, "In our mouth!" She made us proud! I love watching them- they do the dances we used to do when I was in ballet and it is the same man with the same voice that calls out the moves. This was Cooper's first time to get to go (wonder why). He got lucky bc we had swim lessons right after dance~ so he had to come! He loved the mat and he loved yelling, "She's funny!" About the dance instructor, Mrs. Andrea.
Ballerinas at the bar
Shas Saying (I'm sure this is spelled wrong)
The princess ballerinas and BFF's~ SK and Landre

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That nutty Rabbit brought kites in SK and Coop's baskets. It was FINALLY windy enough to fly them. So, after dinner Friday night we headed outside. It took much prodding for Will to think this was a good idea. For some reason he thought 5 acres of pine trees, a 2 year old, a 5 year old, a butterfly kite, and a Mickey Mouse kite weren't a good mix. The good thing is~ after about 100 tries SK and Coop gave up. Who do you think enjoyed it the most? Will had himself a grand ole time with the butterfly kite. He did manage to fly it several times and the kids thought it was great. I lounged in the grass with a Diet Dr. Pepper and cheered him on. These are the days I will cherish! Cooper having a melt down- bc Will was trying to get the stringBoldSK trying to catch the tails on the kite
Cooper all tangled up in the kite's tails

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Happy Birthday Stone!

Sara Kennedy LOVES to take pictures! She took this picture of us on the train, Will was FREEZING! Thankfully, Kellie had a sweatshirt in her car I could wear. We made very bad clothing choices on this day!
The Birthday Boy! How cute is he?
Sara Kennedy taking good care of her baby brother, look at her holding his hands!
Look at Jett~ Precious!
Swayze- SK LOVES Sway, she had to sit right beside her for cupcakes.
Mason loved the pony!

What a fun time we had at the Ag. Museum for Stone's 2nd birthday. It was the day after the "storm" and it was cold and wet. But, the kids had so much fun. They loved the horses and the train. Happy B-day Baby Stone ( I guess we can't call him baby anymore ;(

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Will's Shadow!

Monkey See, Monkey Do
I love this picture~ Iwalked out into the garage and it hit me- in a few years we won't have little fire truck boots outside beside Will's.

Cooper LOVES him some Daddy! What else can I say? Coop's favorite things these days are Will, Will and the four wheeler, Will and his "silver truck" as Coop calls it, Will and the lawn mower, Will and fishing. If Daddy and outside are involved~ Cooper is there. Will was going to try and SNEAK outside to do some work and Cooper comes running up to me saying, "I need my hat." When Will saw him with his hat on (actually it's Zan's hat- we're just borrowing it ;) he melted and guess who got to go outside with daddy!

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Monday, April 7, 2008


WOW! Our little, artist won 1st place in the entire State (K4 Division) for the MPSA (MS Private School Association) art contest. Here is a picture of her with her masterpiece~ it's titled "Funny Man." It is being framed as we speak ;)

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Pepaw

The birthday boy, Cooper and Will
SK and Pepaw
Happy Birthday to Pepaw Larry (Will's dad)! We took Memaw and Pepaw to the Cock of the Walk for a birthday dinner- we even had them sing to him. We had such a fun time. Sara Kennedy and Cooper loved feeding the ducks the french fries~ even the fish were eating the fries!

God Made Dirt And Dirt Don't Hurt

Rushing to the top!
SK and Zan had a system!
YEAH!!! They brought the dirt for our patio! Two BIG dump trucks brought dirt to fill in an area by the lake and to form up our patio. Cooper missed the first load (he was napping). He loves dump trucks, backhoes, and heavy equipment so much~ I considered waking him up. But, decided I wasn't that brave. Thankfully, another load came right after dinner. Cooper and Zan rushed onto the back porch and were frozen until the dump truck emptied it. And you know what was next- Cooper yelled, "Get my tractor!" And Zan was in heaven too. So, we changed clothes and off they went to the dirt pile. The princess even got in on the action- who knew a pile of dirt could bring so much joy? I'm so glad we let them play in it last night- because after the rain today, they are like huge mud pies.

Pointer Sisters!

Rebecca, her mom (Dorothy), Aunt Shirley, Dede, Mom, and I all went to see the Pointer Sisters in Hattiesburg Saturday night. It was so much fun- The Pointer Sisters looked AWESOME!! They sang all those old, fun songs. We had a blast ( I realize my shoulder looks funny- I had my arm around my mom, perhaps I should have stood straight like everybody else!!)

Supper Club Fun

This past Friday night we had Supper Club at Rob and Noel's. The food was delicious and Noel had a fun Trivia Game to play. We divided up girls against guys and I'm happy to report- The Girls Won!! The funniest part was Noel had "prizes"~ Mary Brieten came home as we were finishing up and presented us with our awesome prizes. I won BBQ Pork Rinds, Jennifer got glow in the dark bracelets AND necklaces, JE got a badmitton set, Stacey got canned squeeze cheeze and Wheat Thins, Rebecca got a styrofoam airplane, Ginny got a great parakeet hat. We hooted! So much fun! The WINNERS!!!
Terry, Will, Rob, Jimmy & Steve (We missed you Dr. Trey and Brian)
The LOSERS got lawn fertilizer from Rob- (the man who knows how to make your lawn look awesome!) The guys were so excited, even thought they lost to girls!